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金臣电暖器 暖风机 带遥控摇头塔式取暖器厂家直销

有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2018-11-22 03:55
210.00元/ 台
1000 台

(发货期限:自买家付款之日起 天内发货)


  • 所在地区:广东
  • 收藏本公司 人气:813
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    中山市金臣电器有限公司位于中山市黄圃镇,是一家专业从事新型节能环保电器产品开发、制造、营销于一体的专业生产制造型企业。公司厂房占地8000平方米,拥有4条现代化生产线,大型注塑以及生产车间,员工200多人,其中拥有一批专业设计工程师,模具工程师,质量管理工程师,高级管理人员,具有独立的产品研发能力。现已形成蒸发式冷风扇系列,电暖器系列,干衣机系列产品。在冷风扇行业中,品种齐全,规格众多,处于领先地位。自创立以来,公司一直秉承“金品质,享生活”的宗旨,坚持把质量放在生产第一位。公司具备强大的开模、注塑、组装一体化生产能力,更好的保证了产品的独创性,质量稳定性和完善的售后服务。自主品牌“金臣”已进入卜蜂莲花,乐购等大型连锁超市。随着业务的迅猛发展,产品已出口到海外东南亚,澳洲,欧洲,美洲,非洲以及中东等多个国家,为多个知名品牌提供OEM/ODM服务,并取得了ISO9001:2000,CE, CB, SAA和ETL等国际认证证书。过硬的质量与合理的价格赢得了来自各个国家地区客户的一致好评。公司将与时俱进,顺应时代的发展,立足于高起点的发展战略思维,致力于低碳节能电器产品的研发,专注健康节能家居电器,继续努力以产品领先、营运卓越的先锋企业姿态为广大客户服务,制造出大家心目中所向往的高品质家庭电器。Zhongshan Jinchen Electical Appliances Co., Ltd. is located in Huangpu Town, Zhongshan City, which is a highly specialized company in manufactuing small home appliances of ai coole, clothes dye and electic heate. We get 5000 squae mete factoy and 4 moden poduction lines with about 200 wokes fo injection molding and assembling. We got a poweful ability of molding, poduct development and poduction which helps to offe special poducts and pompt afte sales sevices. We insist on ou mission of “Quality fist, Custome pioity” since the company established.Ou own band “JIN CHEN” has pesented to the supe makets like LOTUS, TESCO and Caefou. With the fast development of the business, now ou poducts have been expoted to many counties in Southeast Asia, Austalia, Euope, Ameican, Afica and the Middle East aeas. Now, we’e offe OEM and ODM sevices in high quality and good pices to some famous bands like CHANGCHENG, CHANGHONG, MITSUMAR, IWATA, MISTRAL, FRIKKO, RFL and so on.All of ou poducts ae poduced unde ISO9001:2000 quality contol system and we got intenational cetificates of CE, CB, SAA and ETL fo ou poducts.We will go on ou geen caee and woking fo developing moe low powe consumption, enegy saving and envionmental fiendly poducts. Wamly welcome all customes to wok togethe with us to ceate a bette futue.



